Source File
Actions |
30 |
26/3/1946 |
English-general |
Speech/testimony before Anglo-American Commission |
31 |
28/3/1946 |
English-general |
Letter to Anglo-American Commission |
32 |
9/5/1947 |
UN |
Speech at General Assembly |
A/C.1/PV.52 (from ISA) |
33 |
12/5/1947 |
UN |
Speeches at General Assembly and/or Political ctee |
A/C.1/PV.54 (from ISA) |
34 |
16/5/1947 |
UN |
Speeches at Political ctee |
35 |
17/6/1947 |
UN |
Speech before UNSCOP and Q&A |
A/AC.13/SR.8 |
193 |
4/7/1947 |
UN |
UNSCOP 16th meeting |
A/AC.13/PV.16 |
60 |
6/7/1947 |
UN |
UNSCOP 18th private meeting |
UN A/AC.13/SR.18 |
191 |
7/7/1947 |
UN |
UNSCOP 19th meeting |
A/AC.13/PV.19 |
192 |
8/7/1947 |
UN |
UNSCOP 21th meeting |
A/AC.13/PV.21 |
190 |
9/7/1947 |
UN |
UNSCOP 24 meeting |
A/AC.13/PV.24 |
61 |
13/7/1947 |
UN |
UNSCOP 28th private meeting |
UN A/AC.13/SR.28 |
56 |
14/7/1947 |
UN |
Discussion at the Home of Mr. Shertok |
UNA DAG 5/1:1:9, Box 1 |
36 |
16/7/1947 |
UN |
2nd Testimony/Speech before UNSCOP |
A/AC.13/PV.33 |
37 |
17/7/1947 |
UN |
Speech before UNSCOP |
A/AC.13/PV.35 |
189 |
19/7/1947 |
UN |
UNSCOP 36 meeting |
A/AC.13/PV.36 |
194 |
3/9/1947 |
UN |
UNSCOP report vol 1 |
A/364(SUPP) |
195 |
9/9/1947 |
UN |
UNSCOP report vol 2 |
A/364/ADD.1(SUPP) |
196 |
10/9/1947 |
UN |
UNSCOP report vol 3 |
A/364/ADD.2(SUPP) |
197 |
11/9/1947 |
UN |
UNSCOP report vol 4 |
A/364/ADD.3(SUPP) |
198 |
9/10/1947 |
UN |
UNSCOP report vol 5 |
A/364/ADD.4(SUPP) |
68 |
16/10/1947 |
UN |
Ad Hoc Ctee 16th meeting |
A/AC.14/SR.16 |
19 |
17/10/1947 |
UN |
Ad Hoc Committee on Palestine 17th meeting |
A/AC.14/SR.17 |
72 |
18/10/1947 |
UN |
Ad Hoc Ctee 18th meeting |
A/AC.14/SR.18 |
216 |
22/10/1947 |
State Dep |
Memorandum of Conversation |
38 |
22/11/1947 |
UN |
Speech at 2nd GA |
A/AC.14/SR.28 |
39 |
24/11/1947 |
UN |
Speech at 2nd GA / Ad Hoc ctee |
A/AC.14/SR.31 |
40 |
25/11/1947 |
UN |
Speech at 2nd GA |
A/AC.14/SR.33, A/AC.14/SR.34 |
41 |
15/1/1948 |
UN |
Speech before Palestine Commission |
A/AC.21/SR.8 from ISA |
42 |
16/1/1948 |
UN |
Trusteeship council |
T/AC.7/SR.16 |
43 |
19/1/1948 |
UN |
Trusteeship council |
T/AC.7/SR.17 |
44 |
27/1/1948 |
UN |
Speech before Palestine Commission |
A/AC.21/SR.22 from ISA |
173 |
31/1/1948 |
UN |
Palestine Commission: letter from 30/1/1948 and report 29/1/1948 |
S/663 - letter; A/AC.21/7 |
78 |
13/2/1948 |
UN |
Speech? |
ISA ??? |
70 |
24/2/1948 |
UN |
SC 254th meeting |
UN S/PV.254 |
45 |
25/2/1948 |
UN |
Speech before Trusteeship Council |
T/SR.50 (from ISA) |
179 |
26/2/1948 |
UN |
security council 258 meeting: the Palestine question |
S/PV.257 |
46 |
27/2/1948 |
UN |
Announcement/speech at Sec. Council |
S/PV.258 (from ISA) |
47 |
3/3/1948 |
UN |
Speech; before Trusteeship Council?? |
T/SR.55 (from ISA) |
180 |
10/3/1948 |
UN |
security council 267 meeting: the Palestine question |
S/PV.266 |
67 |
16/3/1948 |
UN |
SC 267 meeting |
UN S/PV.267 |
48 |
17/3/1948 |
UN |
Speech before Palestine Commission |
A/AC.21/SR.54 from ISA |
181 |
19/3/1948 |
UN |
security council 270, 271 meetings: the Palestine question |
S/PV.270, S/PV.271 |
49 |
25/3/1948 |
UN |
Speech before UNSCOP |
50 |
1/4/1948 |
UN |
Speech before Sec. Council |
S/PV.277 |
172 |
6/4/1948 |
UN |
Letter to MS dated 1/4/1948 from Pres. of Sec.Council |
S/713 |
51 |
15/4/1948 |
UN |
Speech before Sec. Council |
S/PV.282 |
171 |
15/4/1948 |
UN |
Letter from MS dated 29/3/1948 to Sec.Gen. |
S/721; the memorandum S/710 |
52 |
16/4/1948 |
UN |
Speech before Sec. Council 283 meeting |
S/PV.283 |
187 |
23/4/1948 |
UN |
General Assembly 123 meeting: question of Palestine |
A/C.1/SR.123 |
53 |
23/4/1948 |
UN |
Speech at Security Council |
S/PV.287 (from ISA) |
54 |
27/4/1948 |
UN |
speech/speeches - see notes |
A/C.1/SR.127 |
208 |
27/4/1948 |
UN |
Trusteeship council |
T/PV.65 (from ISA) |
26 |
3/5/1948 |
UN |
Speech at Political Committee |
209 |
3/5/1948 |
UN |
Trusteeship council |
T/PV.71 (from ISA) |
210 |
3/5/1948 |
UN |
Trusteeship council |
T/PV.71 (from ISA) |
64 |
3/5/1948 |
UN |
Letter from Arab Higher Committee to Sec'y Gen. re Zionist terrorism |
UN S/740 |
55 |
8/5/1948 |
State Dep |
Conversation with US Sec of State G. Marshall |
200 |
12/5/1948 |
UN |
no details available. see note |
174 |
14/5/1948 |
UN |
Progress report of the Mediator pursuant to GA resolution 186 |
A/648(SUPP) |
66 |
15/5/1948 |
UN |
SC 292 meeting, ref to MS in 283 meeting 16/4/48 |
UN S/PV.292 |
170 |
15/5/1948 |
UN |
Letter dated 14/5/1948 from A.H. Silver to Sec.Gen. |
S/744 |
169 |
19/5/1948 |
UN |
Letter from the Representative of Jewish Agency to Sec.Gen. |
S/754 |
175 |
22/5/1948 |
UN |
security council 301 meeting: the Palestine question |
S/PV.301 |
168 |
24/5/1948 |
UN |
Letter from the Representative of Jewish Agency to Sec.Gen. |
S/780 |
167 |
24/5/1948 |
UN |
Letter from A. Eban, Representative of Jewish Agency, to Sec. Gen |
S/779 |
166 |
26/5/1948 |
UN |
Letter from the Representative of Jewish Agency to Sec.Gen. |
S/789 |
182 |
27/5/1948 |
UN |
security council 306 meeting: the Palestine question |
S/PV.306 |
183 |
2/6/1948 |
UN |
security council 311 meeting: the Palestine question |
S/PV.311 |
205 |
6/6/1948 |
UN |
Mediator Bernadotte's notes for meeting with MS |
165 |
7/6/1948 |
UN |
Letter from A. Eban, Representative of Jewish Agency, to Sec. Gen |
29 |
9/6/1948 |
UN |
Correspondence between Sharett and Bernadotte |
164 |
15/6/1948 |
UN |
Cablegram from Mediator to Sec.Gen. |
S/839 |
204 |
17/6/1948 |
UN |
Mediator Bernadotte's notes for meeting with MS |
163 |
21/6/1948 |
UN |
Cablegram from Mediator to Sec.Gen. 18/6/1948 |
S/846 |
162 |
1/7/1948 |
UN |
Telegrams dated 30/6/1948, 1/7/1948 from Mediator to Sec. Gen. |
S/861, S/861/ADD.1 |
160 |
8/7/1948 |
UN |
Cable from MS to Sec. Gen. |
S/871 |
14 |
10/7/1948 |
UN |
MS letter to president of the Security Council |
184 |
13/7/1948 |
UN |
security council 334 meeting: the Palestine question |
S/PV.334 |
185 |
14/7/1948 |
UN |
Sec council 335 meeting - the Palestine question |
S/PV.335 |
206 |
26/7/1948 |
UN |
Mediator Bernadotte's notes for meeting with MS |
159 |
26/7/1948 |
UN |
Telegrams dated 13/7/1948,16/7/1948, 18/7/1948 |
S/920 |
62 |
1/8/1948 |
UN |
Cablegram from Mediator to Sec'y Gen. re demilitarization of J'lem |
UN S/939 |
63 |
1/8/1948 |
UN |
Cablegram from Mediator to Sec'y Gen. re refugees |
UN S/948 |
203 |
1/8/1948 |
UN |
Letter from MS to Mediator Bernadotte |
158 |
5/8/1948 |
UN |
Letter from MS dated 30/7/1948 to mediator |
S/949 |
157 |
7/8/1948 |
UN |
re telegram by MS dated 6/8/1948 |
S/954 |
156 |
12/8/1948 |
UN |
re letter dated 10/8/1948 from MS |
S/965 |
186 |
13/8/1948 |
UN |
security council 349 meeting: the Palestine question |
S/PV.349 |
201 |
18/8/1948 |
UN |
Letter to Paul Mohn, Political Adviser to CoS |
202 |
19/8/1948 |
UN |
Letter to MS from Paul Mohn, Political Adviser to CoS |
155 |
19/8/1948 |
UN |
Cablegram from Bernadotte to Sec.Gen. 18/8/1948 |
S/978 |
154 |
13/9/1948 |
UN |
Cablegram from Bernadotte to Sec.Gen. 12/9/1948 |
S/999 |
153 |
18/9/1948 |
UN |
Message to MS by Ralph Bunche 17/9/1948 |
S/1004 |
207 |
18/9/1948 |
UN |
Cablegram dated 17/9/48 from MS to Sec'y Gen. re assassination of Bernadotte |
S/1005 |
177 |
27/10/1948 |
UN |
Letter from the Representative of Israel to acting mediator |
S/1057 |
178 |
28/10/1948 |
UN |
Letter from the Representative of Israel to Pres. of Sec. Council |
S/1060 |
20 |
15/11/1948 |
UN |
GA, 1st ctee, 200th meeting |
UN A/C.1/SR.200 |
27 |
15/11/1948 |
UN |
Israel seeks admission to family of nations |
152 |
29/11/1948 |
UN |
MS letter re Israel's application for membership |
S/1093 |