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Search engine (The full engine is in Hebrew, contact us for assistance.)
Pictures are sorted by envelope and number in envelope. See list of envelopes.
The display can be sorted on any field, by clicking on the arrow beneath the field name.
Each picture is uniquely identified by PIC Number. Please refer to this number in any contact with us.
Pictures displayed are low-res. Contact us if you want the hi-res picture.
Pictures are displayed 50 at a time. You can change this number if you want.
Identification of figures in photos is always left-to right.
The full Picture Archive database is in Hebrew, please contact us if you need data that is unavailable in English. We are in the process of translating the description into English, this will take some time.
Dates: all dates are in format dd/mm/yyyy.
When exact day of month is not known, it is defined as the first day of the month.
When date is unknown, the box "" is ticked.
when the year is unknown, it will generally be input to our best estimation.