Ad Hoc Political Committee 72nd meeting
DOC-E  10
Date  6/12/1950
Collection  UN
Subject  Ad Hoc Political Committee 72nd meeting
External Archive Reference  A/AC.38/SR.72
Sharett's words para. 5-7, 63-64, 71 

63. Mr. SHARETT (Israel) withdrew his draft resolution (A/AC.38/L.60) in view of the large majority vote for the four-Power draft resolution. He had abstained from voting on that proposal for reasons given earlier, and particularly in connexon with the Chinese amendment, which Israel had opposed.

64. The Government of Israel could not accept political or moral responsibility for the resolution in the specific terms in which it was framed. It was prepared as in the past to enter into direct negotiations, either independently or under the auspices of the Conciliation Commission, with the four Arab States with which it had armistice agreements. Those were the only Arab States with which the question of a peace treaty arose; however, Israel entertained no hostility toward the other Arab States. It was prepared to co-operate fully,as in the past, with the Conciliation Commission, but reserved its position on the specific terms of the resolution which the Committee had adopted.


Source Document 1 
language  eng
העתקת קישור